February 10, 2015

Winter Pre-season 2015

Welcome to the first posting to the FCC Tennis Blog!

I have served as Head Tennis Professional at FCC since 1999.  There have been a lot of changes to our facility and programming since then.  My intention is that our wonderful members have found those changes have enhanced their experience at the FCC Tennis Courts.  Hopefully, through the use of this new blog site, I can convey many years of useful, educational, entertaining news about our tennis program.

Since the closing of the courts last fall, I have kept busy with planning for the 2015 season.  Here are a few items to look forward to:


"The last two seasons have been a drip" when sitting on the patio beside court One.  Actually, you would only notice the leaking canopy if you were sitting under it during a considerable rain.  The main reason for replacement is to keep the concrete, chairs, tables, other items dry at all times.


If you have ever been to other clubs in residential areas and resorts, you will notice there is no need for windscreens on east and west fencing.  In fact, most of these facilities don't even have east/west fencing taller than 4' in height !  After receiving tons of positive member feedback about the removal of the windscreens near the court patios, I decided to go one step better.

I will begin installing new back drops on the north and south fencing this spring.  The solid coloring will provide much improved visibility as you play your matches.   The absence of the east/west windscreens will provide a different look than what you are used to.  The open fencing will provide much improved spectator viewing as well as cooler conditions on the hot summer days as the breeze will be allowed to drift across the court area.


Addition of new landscaping around the tennis facility will add to the aesthetic beauty of our club as well as providing actual court protection.


As the club transitions to the use of black trim paint, you will see this at the tennis facility as well.  I will re-paint the net posts this spring to a glossy black finish.  This will look great and I'm sure you'll think so too !


For those of you that have ever witnessed me or my father rolling the courts, you will attest to the fact that it is loud!  I am pleased to announce that we are acquiring a new service cart that will tow a new court roller.  Although the service cart is equipped with a small gas engine, I'm sure that you will find it to be much more quiet than our old court rolling machine.  Rolling will also not take as long, due to the increased speed of the new cart.  Our service cart will also be used daily for other maintenance needs, as well as retrieving supplies for our special events.

In the next blog posting I will summarize the changes and additions to the on-court activities for 2015.