Beginning May 10th, FCC members will be asked to make all advance court reservations using the on-line reservation system. This can be done using your mobile device or PC. Here's how it works:
Step 1 - Login as you normally would to the FCC Website using your member login & password. Contact Melanie Delgado if you don't have login credentials.
Step 2 - Click on 'Tennis' tab.
Step 3 - Scroll down and choose 'Tennis Reservations'.
Choose 'Tennis Reservations'
Step 4 - Scroll down until you see the calendar, then choose your desired date, time and court.
Note: These demo screens may not look exactly like those on your screen.
1. Choose desired play date on main calendar screen. 7 day limit on all reservations.
2. Choose desired play time. Limit 2-hour reservation.
3. Choose desired court.
Step 5 - When prompted, enter name.
Contact FCC receptionist Melanie Delgado during regular business hours if you're having trouble making your reservation or if you have questions. If you can't reach Melanie, feel free to contact Robert Cook. He can be reached at