Please read the following information so you understand the format of your division!!
Ladies 6.5 and Ladies 7.5 Divisions:
There are only two teams entered for each of these divisions. This means you will only have one match. This match will decide the 2021 champion. I would like to schedule these championship matches near the time that the other larger divisions are playing their finals as well. Makes for a nice culmination to the event !
All other divisions: (Men’s & Ladies 6.0, Men’s 6.5 and Men’s 7.5)
These divisions each have 3 teams. Round robin format will be used. You will play each team in your division one time. The top 2 teams will be determined by the best match win/loss record. If all 3 teams have the same match record after all matches are played, winner will be determined by calculating sets win/loss. If further tie-breaking is needed, games win/loss will be calculated. The top 2 teams in your division will play against one another in the championship match. 3rd place team is eliminated from contention for the title.
Match Format:
All divisions in this tournament will use the following scoring format:
- Every attempt will be made to have an court official at your match.
Match Scheduling:
Each team will schedule their next match in cooperative spirit with their opponent. I’d like to have each match completed within 2 weeks of its publication. We all have busy lives to live, so a bit of patience when scheduling is always helpful. I will contact you soon to schedule your first match !!
Ball Boys:
As most of you are now aware, it is customary at FCC that we provide ball boys/girls for the championship matches. Please allow these enthusiastic volunteers to assist in the match flow by letting them retrieve stray balls after each point is played. Although not required, these hard-working kids will graciously accept tips after the completion of your match. Each year I get kids asking me if they can ballboy at the FCC Championships!
This tournament is FREE to our FCC members, but we are always thankful to receive donations toward our tennis program. Contact Bob Cook if interested in learning how your donation would help improve the tennis programming at FCC.
I hope you enjoy this year’s FCC Championships !