October 21, 2016

Closing Act

Sadly, we've come to the end of October and our weather is quickly deteriorating.  I'm proud to say that we are the last club with clay courts in Northwest Ohio to keep our nets up this fall, but the cooler weather is now winning the battle with our clay courts so I will begin closing them down as time permits.

I hope you all understand how much our tennis facility means to me. We've come a long way from the days of no windscreens, weeds growing on the fences, courts without proper irrigation, plastic patio furniture, no water coolers, the list goes on.  When I arrived at FCC in 1999, there was only one weekly activity being offered to the membership - Thursday 9am Ladies Day. Remember?  Probably not, because not many attended!   I'm proud to say we no offer over a dozen programmed hours of activities for our members to attend each week and every event always has someone in attendance.  Member use has increased 300% since '99 and numerous area citizens have joined FCC just for the tennis!  I have already begun a list of improvements for 2017 and I promise to each of you that as long as I am your Director of Tennis I will continue to do all I can to create a high quality, fun experience at FCC.  

Thank you for all your support during the 2016 tennis season.  I gladly welcome your comments, questions, ideas during the off-season.  You can forward them to me at bobstennis@gmail.com or to Joe Klein at jklein@findlaycc.com

Until next summer.........  

-Bob Cook, USPTA
 Director of Tennis
 Findlay Country Club